2024 Creepy Doll Contest

Ever felt like that doll in the corner was watching you, those empty eyes following your every movement? Ever notice that the cherubic baby doll you cradled in the light of day held a glint of malice in her eyes when darkness fell?

Have you ever gotten that prickly feeling that your dolls might want to do you harm? Have you ever felt that they absolutely, positively WERE lurking under your bed and would grab your ankles with their waxy, little hands if you dared crawl out of bed in the dark of night?

If you answered yes to any of these, you may be a pediophobiac.

Yes, the fear of dolls is called pediophobia and it’s a REAL thing.

So, let’s plunge straight into the heart of our collective pediophobia and meet the contestants for the 2024 Creepy Doll Contest!
(Hover over the images for the full effect)

Alexa and Alexie

Sometimes two is better than one! Meet Alexa and Alexie. These twins are inseparable, finish one another’s sentences, and have a wicked sense of humor.

By wicked, we mean that you should never leave your knife drawer unlocked. For Alexa and Alexie, the sharper the blade the better to play their sneaky games in the dark.


Mabel has a Glasgow Smile and a bit of a Napolean complex. She is also missing the back half of her head and she’s pretty grumpy about it. Mabel’s poor attitude makes it difficult for her to make friends, so she keeps to herself…plotting and scheming….plotting and scheming…


The one lonely, little boy in this brood, Danny, has always been the best of friends with Alexa and Alexie. They grew up together, and like the sisters, Danny came to a premature and unnatural end. Now the three frolic and play together, but only after midnight. It is said that in the dark, his beautiful blue eyes glow and his gaze pierces right into your soul.
2024 Creepy Doll Contest

Elizabeth B.

Is Elizabeth named after the much beloved late queen of England? No, this Elizabeth is named after the Hungarian countess with a much darker history. Her namesake, Countess Elizabeth Bathory, was one of the most prolific female serial killers in history. The sadistic seventeenth century countess tortured and killed somewhere between 80 and 300 young girls who were in her care. For her crimes, she was walled up in one room of her castle, sentenced to spend the rest of her life in confinement. It is rumored that when Elizabeth was found dead in her cell years later, she was still wearing the dress she was arrested in as she was unable to remove it without the assistance of servants. Here’s hoping this Elizabeth didn’t inherit her namesake’s violent proclivities. Or did she????


Millicent, with her golden hair and sweet smile, was the envy of all the other dolls. But then those jealous dolls helped Millicent have a little “accident” and she lost her leg. Since then, Millie hasn’t been quite the same. She loved to run and play. Now, during the days, she just lays in her stuffy box and broods. At night, with a crinkle of tissue, you can hear her creep from her box and pull herself around on the floor, trying to find someone who will play with her.


Pouvez vous m’aider a trouver mon corps? Poor Marie has lost her body and needs help finding it. She thinks she was once someone very important…perhaps someone royal? But her hair was shaven and her body taken. What is left of Marie has roamed the world, passing from child to child, for over three hundred years, always searching for her lost body. How she arrived in Central Oregon is hard to say, but if you find her silk-clad body and return it to her, she will be forever in your debt.